“Are you human?” whispered the voice of Alison Goldfrap on the record Felt Moutain
(2000). This question, we would like to ask the pigs, panthers, and macaques that
Sophie is used to putting in boxes. Thus this lioness immediately projects the viewer
into an elsewhere that is very difficult to define. Are these portraits strictly
speaking portraits? Are these models models? Not so simple…” You just need to
meet this young woman with contagious vitality to understand that her work tells
much more… Since 2010, Sophie has been sticking her animal photos on walls
around the city. She works in the form of an installation, an ephemeral fusion
between art and life. At the bend of an intersection, art aims to operate by surprise
in daily life, leading the public to question itself... By modifying the conditions of
perception, it arouses attention, challenges the spectator, by offering them a look
new to a known place: the street becomes a setting, and in this moment of doubt,
the spectator becomes part of the setting... Sophie never sticks to chance. She
carefully prepares each installation. The animal must find its place... A Gecko comes
out of a crack, a Snowy Owl lands on a cable, two ostriches enjoy a tag for a moment
of tenderness... The street brought a new dimension to his work. This allowed him to
amplify the message, the animal took possession of the place, it found its place in
the urban space. His collages are perfectly integrated into the details of the urban
environment: the city, the architecture, and the decor appear in the eyes of the
viewer at the same time as the strange animal stands out...
Animals find a new dignity here since they are at the heart of creation, bearers of
meaning, imagination and metaphors. Are we reconnecting with childhood and its
fascination with animals, with the myths they generated and the tales of which they
are the heroes?
“Raising public awareness about the protection of our natural heritage is the first step
on the path to awareness and behavior change.” My work at Affichage Sauvage works
towards this awareness.
I introduce new animals every year, and many of them are endangered species that
will no longer be around in the next fifty years... because you should know that "more
than half of the species have disappeared in just 40 years ", this is the conclusion
reached by the calculations of the WWF's 2014 Living Planet report.
Criticism of man, criticism of human society, call for our responsibility in the destiny
of Nature... The animal bears witness, it questions the world...
My collages thus raise a fundamental question: the place of animals within our
society. Repositioning their images in our daily lives is a militant act that allows us to
think about their condition of being alive. As if the animals came back to haunt our
cities to see what we have done to these urban cities from which we chased them.